On April 1st the Rank Checker price will grow by 2 kop. for a keyword on XS Pricing Plan. But for you the price won't change for now!
We've frozen old prices till June 1st for all accounts, active in 2025.
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What to do if you find an error on the site

Sometimes, errors appear on our website. Information about these errors is displayed in the upper right or left corner of the page. Such errors may be caused by browser extensions or other external factors. Occasionally, they are related to the functioning of our website.

You'll be a great help if you report the error to us 🙏
Some errors only appear on specific devices. Don’t assume the error will be fixed just because 'someone must have already reported it.' It might not be visible to anyone else. Only by submitting a ticket can you ensure 100% that your issue will be addressed.
Noticed an error?
Contact us
  • We'll fix the problem and pass it on to the developers
  • Advise you on alternative ways to solve your problems
  • Respond in a few minutes

Some errors have typical causes. If you've completed the described steps, but the errors have not disappeared, contact us via the form above or viaTickets on the top panel of the website. Also, you can contact us via the bot in Telegram.

There is an error on the website or an element (button, widget, etc.) is not displayed.

Frequent cause: extensions and programs that affect the ads display (AdBlock, uBlock and their analogues, antivirus programs, etc.), as well as VPNs.

Что делать, если вы нашли ошибку на сайте: На сайте ошибка или не отображается элемент (кнопка, виджет и др.)

  1. Open the page in the browser's incognito mode and check if the page is displayed correctly. By default, extensions in incognito mode are disabled. If you have extensions enabled in incognito mode, disable them.
  2. If the page is displayed correctly without extensions, enable extensions one at a time and reload the page to find out which extension is causing the error.
  3. Add the website topvisor.com in the exceptions in the extension settings, if it has such an opportunity.
  4. If there are still problems on the page without extensions, use the instructions below.

How to send error data

If disabling extensions, VPNs and other applications according to the instructions above didn't help, send us the following information! 💬
  1. Open the developer console on the error page (In Google Chrome on Windows you need to press F12, on macOS the combination fn + F12).
  2. Refresh the page and repeat the steps that cause the error.
  3. Open Console on Console tab, right‑click on an empty space and select Save as:

  4. Open Network tab and clickDownload  — the file with the extension .HAR will be saved:

  5. Send to Support the following information viachat or in any other convenient way:
    • full‑screen screenshot of the page with an error.
    • Console log and HAR file;
    • information about your operating system, as well as the name and version of the browser.

Website is unavailable or loads endlessly

Frequent cause: VPN, regional restrictions.

  1. Disable VPN if you are using it.
  2. If this didn't help or you're not using a VPN, try opening https://topvisor.net/ — the official mirror of our website. You can log in with your data from topvisor.com and keep working. Our other products also have mirrors: use https://api.topvisor.net/  for API access.
  3. If mirrors with .net are also unavailable, follow the instructions below.

Website is unavailable and mirror topvisor.net doesn't open

If the site and mirror are unavailable without a VPN, send data to Support to analyze the problem:

  • Your operating system, location, name of the provider and IP address from which website is unavailable. IP can be viewed here;
  • The results of the traceroute command execution in the form of a screenshot.

How to run traceroute for Windows OS

  1. Press the Win + R keys and open the Command Prompt with the cmd command:

  2. Enter the tracert command topvisor.com and press Enter.

  3. The command may take some time to complete. When the job is finished, run the same command for topvisor.net if it also doesn't open.

How to run traceroute for macOS

  1. Open Terminal.
  2. Enter the command traceroute topvisor.com and press Enter:

  3. The command may take some time to complete. When the job is finished, run the same command for topvisor.net if it also doesn't open.

Keywords load with incorrect encoding

If there is gibberish in the files or keywords are not uploaded to the service or exported, the encoding is often the problem. How to change the encoding:

  1. Go to Account Settings.
  2. In the Format, change the file encoding (utf‑8 or windows‑1251).
  3. Upload the file again.

 If this does not help, contact us viachat or via  Telegram bot. Be sure to send the file you are uploading.