On April 1st the Rank Checker price will grow by 2 kop. for a keyword on XS Pricing Plan. But for you the price won't change for now!
We've frozen old prices till June 1st for all accounts, active in 2025.
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Charts help you visually evaluate changes in the distribution of keywords by Tops, Average and Median position and Visibility. The data on charts is displayed for the period selected in Calendar.

How to pick up dates in Calendar →

UI map

Rank Tracker, Summary, Charts: UI map

  1. Chart type. Select a chart to see data.
  2. Tops or competitors (depending on the chart type).
  3. Changing the dates order on the charts.
  4. Exporting charts.
  5. Hide/show charts.

How to display charts

  1. Go toRank Tracker.
  2. Click on the toolbar.

How charts work

In any type of charts, you can view the history of metric's changes and a pie chart with data of the last check selected in Calendar. The number of checks also matches the checks selected in Calendar. Hover over a chart segment to see the exact metrics value and highlight the chart for a specific TOP or competitor if the chart is linear. Click on a Top or competitor below the charts to turn them off on charts.

What's the difference between TOP,% and TOP charts?
Charts differ only visually: in the TOP,% chart, the data is presented as a line graph: it makes it easier to track changes in the percentage of keywords in a certain Top. And on the Top chart, the data is presented as a bar chart, which is more convenient for analyzing the distribution of keywords by Tops in a particular check.

How to export charts

  1. Go toRank Tracker.
  2. Click Export Charts.
  3. Select the format for downloading or printing.

How to change the dates order in charts

  1. Go toRank Tracker.
  2. Click on Date order

How to change the scale of charts

Change the scale of charts to analyze values more accurately when their volatility are low, and they are not visible on the default scale graph.

  1. Go toRank Tracker.
  2. Hover over the line graph and highlight the range on the vertical axis to see the necessary area of values, for example, Visibility around 15‑30% instead of 0‑100%.
  3. Click Reset Zoom to return to the default scale.

Select a date period on the horizontal axis in the TOP % chart to display a shorter period of time without changing settings in Calendar.

Rank Tracker, Summary: How to change the scale of charts