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get/webScreens_2 - Сервисы API Топвизор

Method description

The method returns image binary data in .png format.

In case of an error, a standard API structure in JSON will be returned.

One screenshot costs 0.1 rub.

Method parameters

Parameter Type Description Default
url string webpage URL
w int screen width
h int screen height
timeout_ms int Max timeout when waiting for a page to load before getting a webpage screenshot (from 1 to 30000 milliseconds) 1500
lang string Browser language (for example, ru, en) language of a user who called API
full_page bool Capture fullscreen
(clip and full_page parameters cannot be applied at the same time)
clip_w int Fragment width
clip_h int Fragment height
clip_x int Top left corner X coordinate of a fragment
clip_y int Top left corner Y coordinate of a fragment