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Method description

Use the method to import a list of links to your project and set the activity flags for the Audit tools.

Method parameters

Parameter Type Description Default
project_id int Project ID
urls array A list of links relevant to the project URL
(it is obligatory if urls and link_sitemap_xml are not specified)
urls file(txt, csv, xml, xml.gz) A file with the pages for import
(it is obligatory if urls and link_sitemap_xml are not specified)
link_sitemap_xml string A link to the sitemap with the list of pages for import. Xml and xml.gz are allowed
(it is obligatory if urls are not specified)
sitemap enum(-1, 0, 1, 2)

An activity flag in the Sitemap module

See available vales here

audit enum(-1, 0, 1, 2)

An activity flag in the Audit module

See available vales here

watcher enum(-1, 0, 1, 2)

An activity flag in the Watcher module

See available vales here

indexing enum(-1, 0, 1, 2)

An activity flag in the Index checker module

See available vales here

tags set(from 1 to 10) Tag order number
reset set(from 1 to 10)

A flag that allows to clear a list of URLs before import

Description of values:

  • 0 - do not clear a list of URLs before import
  • 1 - clear a list of URLs before import

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