get/positions_2/history - Topvisor API Services
Method description
Use the method to get keyword ranking history.
The method is not applicable to the archived projects.
Method parameters
Parameter | Type | Description | Default |
Mandatory | |||
project_id | int | project ID | |
regions_indexes | array(int) | Region index | |
dates | array of date |
Random rank check dates (dates is mandatory, if date1 and date2 are not specified) |
date1, date2 | date |
The first and the last date of period (date1 and date2 are mandatory, if dates isn't specified) |
Additional | |||
fields |
array of fields of keywords |
"Keyword" object fields to return | |
competitors_ids | array(int) | IDs of competitors added in the project settings | |
type_range | enum(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 100) |
Period Available values:
2 |
count_dates | int | A maximum number of dates to return (up to 31) | |
only_exists_first_date | boolean | Display only keywords from the first check in the applied period | |
show_headers | boolean | Include result headers in result | 0 |
show_exists_dates | boolean | Include dates of keyword ranking checks | 0 |
show_visitors | boolean | Include a total number of visits for every date | 0 |
show_top_by_depth | int | Include keyword distribution across the applied TOP for every rank check | 0 |
positions_fields | array('position', 'snippet', 'relevant_url', 'visitors') |
Select columns with the rank check results:
filter_by_dynamic | set('>', '<', '=') |
Filter by keywords that improved/dropped/didn't change their rankings between the first and the last date of the
applied period * can be used to get keyword rankings from one project, of one location for two dates or more |
filter_by_positions | array of array(int, int) | Filter by keywords with the rankings checked during the applied period |
Returned data
Parameter | Type | Description |
result (object) | ||
keywords | array of keywords | Keyword ranking report and other keyword fields |
keywords.positionsData | object(qualifiers => object) | Rank check data |
headers | array | Result headers (if show_headers = 1) |
existsDates | array(date) | Dates when keyword rankings were checked (if show_exists_dates = 1) |
visitors | object(qualifiers => object) | Total visit count for every rank check (if show_visitors = 1) |
tops | object(qualifiers => object) | Keyword distribution across the applied TOP for every rank check (if show_top_by_depth = N) |
result.keywords[N].positionsData[qualifiers] | ||
position | int or string('--') | Keyword rank |
relevant_url | string | Relevant page |
visitors | int | Visit count |
result.headers (if show_headers = 1) | ||
fieldsLabels | array | Objects of requested field headers (fields parameter) |
positionsFields | array | Matches the positions_fields parameter |
dates | array | Dates of ranking checks included in the report |
projects | array | Projects (competitors) with search engines and locations |
result.visitors (if show_visitors = 1) | ||
%Y-d-m:project_id:region_index% | int | Visit count by qualifiers |
result.tops (if show_top_by_depth = N) | ||
%Y-d-m:project_id:region_index% | int | Keyword percentage in TOP-N by qualifiers |