On April 1st the Rank and Index Checkers price will grow by 2 kop. for a keyword on XS Pricing Plan. But for you the price won't change for now!
We've frozen old prices till June 1st for all accounts, active in 2025.
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get/keywords_2/keywords/export - Topvisor API Services

If export is successful, an API response contains a binary or a text file contents instead of json.

Method description

Use to export keywords to a specified file in the selected format.
You can filter data by keyword or group properties.
If you filtered data by group properties, the export file contains all keywords of filtered groups.

Method parameters

Parameter Type Description Default
project_id int Project ID
output enum('csv', 'csvUTF8')

Export format

  • csv - delimiters and encoding are to be set in the user's account
  • csvUTF8 - UTF8 encoding, delimiters are to be set in the user's account
target_type enum('groups', 'keywords')

Object type to apply filter

  • groups - groups
  • keywords - keywords
show_fields_names boolean

Display fieldName in the column titles

  • Display column titles to guarantee a CSV file backward compatibility
show_fields_labels boolean Display fieldLabel in the column titles 0

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